Sea Shanty A-Z list

Sea shanty A-Z list è l’elenco di tutte le sea shanties discusse in Terre Celtiche Blog.

[english translation]
Sea shanty A-Z list is the list of all the sea shanties discussed in Terre Celtiche Blog.

Stan Hugill
Gibb Schreffler (alias Hulton Clint)
John Short
Stanley Slade
A-Z list of all Sea Shanties in Terre Celtiche Blog

Una sea shanty (chanty) era la canzone di lavoro marinaresco sulle grandi navi a vela.
Finita l’epoca dei grandi velieri il repertorio delle canzoni marinaresche documentato dai veterani in pensione, è sbarcato sulla terra.
Oggi sono cantati da ex-marinai o figli di ex-marinai, appassionati di vela e amanti del mare in generale, rievocatori storici, musicisti folk.

Innanzitutto abbiamo una raccolta moderna: “Shanties from the Seven Seas” di Stan Hugill (1961) con informazioni di prima-mano, la cosiddetta “shantyman’s bible“!
L’ultimo degli shantyman Hugill (1906-1992) ha lasciato delle pietre miliari sul suo cammino, pubblicando ben 5 libri sui canti dei marinai (gli ultimi due nel 1977 “Sea Shanty” e “Songs of the Sea”) divulgandoli in numerose registrazioni e spettacoli live insieme al gruppo folk del Merseyside, gli Stormalong John.

Sul suo canale You Tube Gibb Schreffler (con lo pseudonimo Hulton Clint) ha dato vita ad un grande progetto “A Journey through Stan Hugill’s Shanties from the Seven Seas“ per cantare tutte le canzoni marinaresche (oltre 400 titoli) dal libro di Stan Hugill.
Soprannominato lo “You Tube Chanteyman” ci restituisce le canzoni marinaresche in tutta la loro schiettezza.

Gibb Schreffler

Boxing the Compass: A Century and a Half of Discourse About Sailor’s Chanties (Occasional Papers in Folklore) Gibb Schreffler 2018

Un’altra raccolta -ancorchè piccola- viene dallo shantyman John Short (1839-1933) di Watchet (Somerset, Inghilterra) così come trascritta da Cecil Sharp nel 1914.
Tom e Barbara Brown di Combe Martin scoprirono l’eredità del marinaio, il manoscritto di Cecil Sharp nel “Vaughan Williams Memorial Library” e diedero inizio al progetto Short Sharp Shanties per registrare tutte le canzoni di John Short interpretate da vari artisti (una sessantina circa di canti distribuiti in tre volumi). SHORT SHARP SHANTIES

STANLEY SLADE – Bristol Shellback Shantyman: 28 canti marinareschi registrati negli anni 50 da Peter Kennedy e pubblicato nel 1975 su audiocassetta per la Folktrax

Sea shanty (or sea chanty) was the working song on the Golden Age of Sail.
Later the repertoire of the sea shanty, documented by retired veterans, has landed on the shore.
Today they are sung by ex-sailors or children of ex-sailors, sailing enthusiasts and lovers of the sea in general, historical re-enactors, folk musicians.

Sea Shanty A-Z list
Sea shanty A-Z list: Stan Hugill

“Shanties from the Seven Seas” by Stan Hugill (1961) with first-hand information.
The last of the shantyman Hugill (1906-1992) left some milestones on his path, publishing as many as 5 books on the songs of the sailors (the last two in 1977 “Sea Shanty” and “Songs of the Sea”) spreading them in numerous recordings and live shows together to the folk group of Merseyside, the Stormalong John.

On his YouTube channel, Gibb Schreffler (alias Hulton Clint) began a great project, “A Journey through Stan Hugill’s Shanties from the Seven Seas” to sing all the chanteys (“over 400 shanties,” ) from Stan Hugill’s book; Hulton Clint (Ranzo) nicknamed the “You Tube Chanteyman” gives us the seafaring songs in their frankness.

Sea Shanty A-Z list
Sea shanty A-Z list:
John Short

Another important collection comes from the shantyman John Short (1839-1933) of Watchet (Somerset, England) as transcribed by Cecil Sharp in 1914.
Tom and Barbara Brown of Combe Martin discovered the legacy of the sailor, the manuscript of Cecil Sharp in the “Vaughan Williams Memorial Library” and they began the project Short Sharp Shanties to record all the songs of John Short interpreted by various artists.

STANLEY SLADE – Bristol Shellback Shantyman
Recorded & edited by Peter Kennedy and first published on Folktrax cassettes 1975

Sea Shanty A-Z list


Una grande rivalutazione di questi canti è avvenuta poi più recentemente con la produzione in versione piratesca del famosissimo videogioco Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag (2013); la trama è un’intricata vicenda basata sui ricordi del pirata Edward Kenway  ed è ambientata nel mare dei Caraibi in un arco storico che va dal 1715 al 1721.

A great re-evaluation of these songs took place more recently with the pirate version of the famous Assassin’s Creed videogame: Black Flag (2013); the plot is an intricate story based on the memories of the pirate Edward Kenway and it is set in the Caribbean Sea from 1715 to 1721.

Assassin’s Creed 4: Black Flag (Sea Shanty Edition, Vol. 1 e 2)
Assassin’s Creed Rogue (Sea Shanty Edition)



Anche la saga “Pirates of the Caribbean” (Pirati dei Caraibi)  ha  ridestato un grande interesse sui canti dei pirati e gli ideatori della produzione hanno coinvolto un gran numero di artisti folk-rock  per il rilascio di ben due compilation.

Also the saga “Pirates of the Caribbean” has revived a great interest on the songs of the pirates and the production involved a large number of folk-rock artists for two compilations.

Pirate Ballads, Sea Songs, and Chanteys 2006 – 2013 

Sing a Sea Shanty con Brian of Holcombe

Ma se siete capitati qui per caso e non sapete se vi piacciono i canti marinareschi (sea shanties), guardatevi i video di Brian of Holcombe– Shantyman

Brian of Holcombe– Shantyman: Personal insight into Maritime heritage, songs of sailors and pirates, West Country traditions and good old sea shanties for those pub and festival sessions.

Shanty of the Week

Con Shanty of the Week Seán Dagher inizia a pubblicare sul suo canale You Tube, a poco mesi dallo scoppio della pandemia di covid, uno shanty a settimana.
Seán Dagher è un musicista con un curriculum impressionante. Arrangiatore e compositore di musica popolare e classica: celtica, barocca, medievale, araba, franco-canadese. Eppure lo trovi che suona e canta in un pub irlandese con l’anima di uno shantyman.

With Shanty of the Week  Seán Dagher starts publishing a shanty each week on his You Tube channel, a few months after the outbreak of the covid pandemic.
Seán Dagher is a musician with an impressive resume. Arranger and composer of popular and classical music: Celtic, Baroque, Medieval, Arabic, French-Canadian.
Yet you find him playing and singing in an Irish pub with the soul of a shantyman.

A-Z list of all Sea Shanties & Forebitters in Terre Celtiche Blog


A-Z sea shanty e forebitter


[i link puntano ai pdf o agli e-book dei testi]

BENNETT, W. C., Sea Songs, London, Chapman & Hall, 1878.
BULLEN, Frank Thomas Log of a Sea Waif, New York D. Appleton 1899
BULLEN-ARNOLD, Songs of Sea Labour, London, Swan & Co., 1914.
COLCORD, Joanna Roll and Go. London: Heath Cranton, 1924.
DANA, Richard Henry, Jr. Two Years Before the Mast. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1840
DAY, Thomas, Songs of Sea and Sail, New York & London, The Rudder Publishing Company, 1898.
DOERFLINGER, William Main, Shantymen and Shantyboys. Macmillan: New York, 1951; Songs of the Sailor and Lumberman. Mayerbooks, Glenwood, 1990
FIRTH, C.H., Naval Songs and Ballads, London, Navy Records Society, 1908.
FOWKE, Edith, Sea songs and ballads from nineteenth-century Nova Scotia: the William H. Smith and Fenwick Hatt manuscript, New York & Philadelphia, Folklorica, 1981.
HALLIWELL, James, The Early Naval Ballads of England, London, The Percy Society, 1841.
HUGILL Stan Shanties from the Seven Seas. London, Routledge & Keegan Paul, 1961.
LLOYD, Albert Lancaster Folk Songs
MASEFIELD, John A Sailor’s Garland, London, Methuen & Co., 1908
KEMP, Harry, Chanteys & Ballads. Sea-Chanteys, Tramp-Ballads and Other Ballads and Poems, New York, Brentano’s, 1920.
PALMER, Roy The Valiant Sailor: Sea Songs and Ballads and Prose Passages Illustrating Life on the Lower Deck in Nelson’s Navy (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1973) – Boxing the Compass: Sea Songs & Shanties (Todmorden: Herron Publishing, 2001).
SHARP, Cecil J., English Folk-Chanteys (London: Simpkin, Marshall, Hamilton, Kent; Schott; Taunton: Barnicott & Pearce, 1914)
SMITH, Laura, The music of the waters. A collection of the sailors’ chanties, or working songs of the sea, of all maritime nations. Boatmen’s fishermen’s, and rowing songs, and water legends, London, Keegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1888.
STONE, Cristopher, Sea Songs and Ballads, Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1906.
STUART M. Frank Sea Chantey and Sailor’s Song, The Kendall Whailing Museum, Sharon, Massachusetts USA, 2000
TANGYE, Richard, Reminescences of a Travel in Australia, America and Egypt, London, Sampson Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1883.
TERRY, Richard Runciman. The Shanty Book, Part I. London: J. Curwen & Sons, 1921; The Shanty Book, Part II. London: J. Curwen & Sons, 1926.
VAUGHAN Williams, Ralph, Sea Songs, London: Boosey & Co, 1924
WALSER, Robert Young. ‘“Here We Come in a Leaky Ship!”: The Shanty Collection of James Madison Carpenter’, Folk Music Journal, 7 (1998), 471–95
WHALL W. B. Sea Song ship & Shanties, James Brown e Son, Glasgow 1910



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